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Bevilo Buono

“In any case coffee must be perfect at the origin and then perfectly roasted“

Sergio Goppion

soft and velvety taste with a long-lasting chocolate aftertaste. Very low caffeine content.

Arabica CSC
Brasile, Etiopia, Guatemala

Guatemala - El Hato

Robusta CSC

Espresso di Piantagione – CSC: excellent coffees certified by “Certified Specialty Coffees”.

Blend of selected Arabica coffees certified by CSC coming from Brazil and Central America.
Intense and complex aroma, full body and fine acidity. Balanced in the cup. The rich aftertaste of vanilla and cocoa. The persistence is long and aroma is delicate.

Very low caffeine content.


Aroma 90%
Body 80%
Cream 60%
Persistance 80%
Sweetness 90%


Espresso di Piantagione CSC - World

The meaning of Bevilo Buono

Two simple words. Together, they form an exhortation with a profound meaning: ‘drink good coffee’. Above all, they extend an invitation to contemplate the coffee we enjoy daily.
Bevilo Buono means placing trust in those who – through knowledge and decades of experience –excel in selecting only the finest coffees from around the world.
It means having faith in those who know how to roast these coffees to perfection and skilfully blend them to achieve an authentically Italian taste.

It means putting the role of the barista centre stage, the person who – with passion and expertise – acts as an intermediary between the raw ingredients and the cup in our hands. This is accomplished through simple, measured gestures passed down through generations in our country to create the genuine Italian Espresso.
It means having a heightened awareness of the contents of our coffee cup – the result of the intersection of the earth’s generosity and human wisdom, capable of transforming a simple berry into a delectable drink.
It means recognising the dignity coffee deserves, so that it becomes once again a ritual imbued with profound meaning, full of fragrances, aromas, and unhurried moments.


CSC – Certified Speciality Coffee – is an association founded in 1996 from the expertise and passion of a group of Coffee Roaster, aimed at promoting the culture of quality coffee. The Consortium applies a number of procedures that have been conceived to obtain accurate and proved quality standards for the whole coffee production cycle.

Piantagione - Bevilo Buono